Coarctate (coarcto) to strain, to gather a marter into few words, to shorten.
Coassation (coassatio) a planking with boards, a boarding or joyning a floor.
Coration (coaxatio) the croaking of Frogs or Toads. Dr Featly in his Dipper
Coccinean (coccineus) died into scarlet, or crimson colour.
Coctible (coctibilis) easie to be sod or baked.
Cochineal or Cuchanel (Lat. Coccus Spa Cochinilla) a kinde of dust or grain, wherewith to die the Crimson or Scarlet colour; it is a little worm breeding in a certain shrub, which they call Holy-Oke, or Dwarf Oke, and is found in Cephalonia and other places; on the leaves whereof there ariseth a tumor, like a blister, which they gather, and rub out of it a certain red dust, that converts (after a while) into worms, which they kill with wine (as is reported) when they begin to quicken. Bac. Nat. Hist.
Cocket, is a seal pertaining to the Custom-house. Regist. Orig. fol. 192. a Also a Scrowle of Parchment, sealed and delivered by the Officers of the Custom-house to Merchants, as a warrant that their Merchandize is customed. An.II.H.6.cap.16. This word is also used for a distinction of bread in the statutes of Bread and Ale, made An. 51. H.3. where you have mention of bread Cocket, Wastel-bread, bread of Trete, and bread of common wheat. Cowel.
Cockle-Stayres (cochlea) a pair of winding stairs. Sir H. Wot.
Cockleary, pertaining to such stairs; crooked. Dr Br.
Cockney or Cockneigh applyed onely to one born within the sound of Bow-bell, that is within the City of London, which term came first (according to Minshew) out of this Tale; A Citizens Son riding with his Father out of London into the Country, and being utterly ignorant how corn grew, or Cattel increased, asked, when he heard a horse neigh, what he did? his Father answered the horse doth neigh: riding farther, the Son heard a Cock crow, and said, doth the Cock neigh too? Hence by way of jeer he was called Cock-neigh.
A Cockney, according to some, is a child that sucks long: But Erasmus takes it for a child wantonly brought up, and calls it in Lat. Mammothreptus.
Cambden takes the Etymology of Cockney, from the River Thamesis, which runs by London, and was of old time called Cockney. Others say the little Brook which runs by Turnbole or Turnmill-street, was anciently so called.
Coction (coctio) a seething, boiling or digesting.
Coctive (coctivus) sodden, easily boiled, soon ripe.
Code (codex) a volume containing divers books; more particularly a Volume of the Civil Law so called, which was reduced into one Code, or Codice, by Justinian the Emperor, it being before in three, which is therefore called Justinians Code. Min
Codebec (Fr.) a kinde of course French hat so called.
Codicil (codicillus) a diminutive of Code or Codex a little book, a Schedule or Supplement to a Will, also a letter missive. Writers conferring a Testament and a Codicil together, call a Testament a great Will, and a Codicil a little one, and compare a Testament to a ship, and the Codicil to a boat tied to the said ship. Codicils are now used as additions annexed to the Testament, when any thing is omitted which the Testator would add, or any thing put in, which he would retract. A Codicil is the same that a Testament is, but that it is without an executor. See Swinburn in his Treatise of Testaments, and Wills, p.I. sect.5.
Codinniack (Fr. Cotignac) conserve or marmolade of Quinces.
Coemption (coemptio) a buying together.
Coemptional (coemptionalis) which is often in buying, or a buying together. Among the Romans, Coemptionales Senes, were those old men, in whose tuition and authority, men by their last Will and Testament, left their Widows or Daughters, and without whom they might not pass in Dominium virorum per coemptionem.) i. be married, according to the Ceremony called Coemption, whereby the Husband and Wife seemed to buy one another. Livie. See more of this in Godwins Anthology, chap. de nuptiis, etc.
Coercible (coercibilis) which may be bridled or restrained.
Coertio (coertio) restraint, keeping in order and subjection, punishing.
Coetaneous (coataneus) which is of the same time and age.
Coeternal (coaternus) of the same eternity, lasting together for eternity, equally eternal.
Coevals (from con and avum) that are of the same age or time.
Cogitative (cogitativus) musing, pensive, full of thoughts.
Coffa or Cauphe, a kind of drink among the Turks and Persians, (and of late introduced among us) which is black, thick and bitter, destrained from Berries of that nature, and name, thought good and very wholesom: they say it expels melanchole, purges choler