"sure of the Mind is to be seen in the carriage and posture of the Body: And that by the gesture and composition of the Body, is to be discovered the quality and disposition of the Mind.
Apparel, or the Ladies Dressing—Room
Apparel and Ornaments are not only for shrouding Nakedness, and screening the pinching Cold, but for setting out the shape and proportion of the Body, and rendring the Fabrick of Mortality more Airy and Charming: Wherefore, Ladies, since there are such a number in the varieties of this Nature, and the French for the most part have given them Names, as well as communicated the Fashions to us; we have thougth fit for the better informing those of your Sex, who have not leisure to frequent the Court—Balls and Plays, to set down their Names as they are now in vogue begging Pardon of the more knowing of the Fair Sex for intruding into their Dressing—Rooms, to fetch thence this Inventory.
— An Attache, is as much as to say, vulgarly, tack'd or fasten'd together, or one thing fasten'd to another.
— A Burgoigin is that part of the Head—dress that covers the Hair, being the first part of the Dress.
— A Berger, is a little Lock, plain, with a Puff turning up like the ancient Fashion used by Sheperdesses.
— A Campaigne is a kind of narrow Lace, picked or scallop'd.
— A Choux is the round Boss behind the Head, resembling Cabbage, and the French accordingly so name it.
— A Colberteen is a Lace resembling Net—work, being of the Manufacture of Monsieur Colbert, a French States—man.
— A Collaret, is a kind of Gorget that goes about the Neck.
— A Commode, is a frame Wire, two or three Stories high, fitted for the Head, or cover'd with Tiffany, or other thin Silks; being now compleated into the whole Head—dress.
— A Confidant, is a small Curl next to the Ear.
— A Cornet, is the upper Pinner that dangles about the Cheeks, hanging down with flaps.
— A Creuecoeur, by some call'd Heartbreaker, is the curl'd Lock at the nape of the Neck, and generally there are two of them.
— A Cruch or Chruches, are the small Locks that dangle on the Fore—head.
— A Cupee is a Pinner that hangs close to the Head.
— An Echelless, is a stomacher lac'd or riboned in the form of the Step of a Ladder, lately very much in request.
— Engageants, are double Ruffles that fall over the Wrists.
— Al—Favourites, a sort of modish Locks hang dangling on the Temples.
— A Flandan, is a kind of a Pinner join'd with a Cornet.
— A Font—Ange, is a modish Top—knot first worn by Mademoiselle d'Fontange, one of the French King's Misses, from whom it takes its name.
— A Jardine, is a single Pinner next the low mark or Burgogn.
— A pair of Martials Gloves, so called from the French—man's Name, pretends to make them better than others.
— A Monchoir is only that which we vulgarly call a Handkerchief.
— A Mouche is a fly or a black patch.
— A Murtnere, is a black knot that unites and ties the Curles of the Hair.
— A Palatine, is that which used to be called a Sable—Tippet, but that name is changed to one that is supposed to be finer because newer, and Ala mode de France.
— A Passager, is a Curled lock, next the Temple, and commonly two of them are used.
— A Mont la Haut, is a certain Wier that raises the Head Dress by degrees or stories.
— A Panache, is any Tassel of Ribons very small, etc.
— A Ragg, is a quaint name they give to Point or Lace, so that the Sempstresses, who bring them to the Chambers of the Ladies; are called by them ragwoman.
— A Rayonne, is a Hood placed over the rest, pinned in a Circle.
— A Ruffle or Ruffles, is that which we call a Cuff or Cuffs.
— A Settee, is only a double Pinner.
— A Sortie, is a little knot of small Ribbons, it appears between the bonnet, and pinner.
— A Spagnolet, is a Gown with narrow Sleves and Lead in them to keep them down Ala Spagnole.
— A Sultane, is one of these new fashioned Gowns trimed with Buttons and Loops.
— A Surtout, is a Night—Hood, which goes over or covers the rest of the head geer.
— A Toilet, is a little cloth which Ladies use for what purpose they think fit, and is by some corruptly called — A Twylight.
— A Tour, is an Artificial dress of Hair, first invented by some Ladies that had lost their own Hair, and borrowed of others to cover their shame; but since it is brought into a fashion.
— An Asasm of Venze moy, signifies a breast knot, or may serve for the two Leading strings that hang down before, to pull a Lady to her Sweetheart.
—Thus much for the Dress, but there are yet other things necessary for a Ladies Dressing—Room; which have such odd names that a Raw Lass being entertain'd in service, and hearing her Mistress one day call for some of them, she was so far from bringing any that she verily took her to be a conjuring, and hastily run out of the House for fear she should raise the Devil.
Appurtenances in Dressing, etc.
A Brancher, or a hanging Candlestick, with branches to see to undress by the Glass.
— A Brassier, a moving Hearth, made of Silver, or Vessel to hold Fire, to warm