thing is framed; the art of framing or making, building, or proportioning. It is most commonly used for a building or a thing artificially made.
Fabricate (fabrico) to make, to build, to invent.
Fabricator (Lat.) a framer, or inventer, a builder.
Fabulator (Lat.) a teller of tales or fables, a Fabulist.
Fabulosity (fabulositas) an addition to, or custom of telling lies or tales, fulness of lies.
Fabulous (fabulosus) full of lyes or fables.
Facade (Fr.) the fore-front, forepart, outside or representation of the outside of a house. Merc. Ital.
Facetious (facetosus) full of mirth and pleasantness.
Facile (facilis) light, easie, quick, gentle.
Facility (facilitas)easiness, gentleness, courtesie.
Facinorous (facinorosus) full of naughty acts, attempting foul deeds, villanous.
Fact (factum) a deed, a work, a thing done or made.
Factitious (factitius) counterfeited, made to the likeness of any thing.
Factor (Lat.) a doer or maker; It is commonly used for him that buys and sells for a Merchant, or that looks to his business, in his absence.
Facture (factura) the making or doing a thing.
Faculent (faculentus) bright or clear.
Faculty (facultas) power to do or speak, promptness. And of these there are three which govern man, and are distributed into the whole body, namely, Animal, Vital, and Natural: The Animal Faculty is that which sends feeling and motion to all the body, from the brain by sinews, and nourisheth the Understanding; The Vital Faculty gives life from the heart by Arteries to all the body; The Natural Faculty gives nourishment to all the parts of the body, from the Liver by Veins, etc. Vigon.
In our Common Law it is used for a priviledge or especial power granted to a man by favor, indulgence and dispensation, to do that which by the Common Law he cannot: As to eat flesh upon days prohibited; to marry without Banes first asked; to hold two or more Ecclesiastical Livings; the Son to succeed the Father in a Benefice, and such like. And for granting these, there was a particular Officer under the Archbishop of Canterbury, called, the Master of the Faculties. Cow.
Facundity (facunditas) eloquence
Facundtous (facundosus) full of eloquence.
Facundate (facundo) to make eloquent or pleasant.
Faddom, is a measure of fix foot by which Seamen measure the depth of water, and length of Cables.