F, A consonant generally reckoned by authors, and admitted by Scaliger, among the semi-vowels, and according to that opinion distinguished in the enumeration of the alphabet by a name beginning with a vowel, yet has so far the nature of a mute, that it is easily pronounced before a liquid in the same syllable. It has in English an invariable sound, formed by compression of the whole lips and a forcible breath. Its kindred letter is V, which in the Islandick alphabet, is only distinguished from it by a point in the body of the letter.
FABACEOUS. adj [fabaceus, Latin.] Having the nature of a bean. Dict
FA'BLE. n.s. [fable, French; fabula, Latin.]
1. A feigned story intended to enforce some moral precept. Jotham's fable of the bees is the oldest extant, and as beautiful as any made since. Addison.
2. A fiction in general. Triptolemus, so sung the nine, Strew'd plenty from his cart divine; But, spite of all those fable makers, He never sow'd on Almaign acres. Dryden
3. A vitious or foolish fiction. But refuse profane and old wives fables. I Timothy.
4. The series or contexture of events which constitute a poem epick or dramatick.
The moral is the first business of the poet: this being formed, he contrives such a design or fable as may be most suitable to the moral.
The first thing to be considered in an epick poem is the fable, which is perfect or imperfect, according as the action, which it relates, is more or less so. Addison
5. A lie. This sense is merely familiar.
To FA'BLE. v.n. [from the noun.]
1. To feign; to write not truth but fiction. That Saturn's sons receiv'd the three-fold reign Of heav'n, of ocean, and deep hell beneath, Old poets mention, fabling.
Vain now the tales which fabling poets tell, That wav'ring conquest still desires to rove! In Marlbro's camp the goddess knows to dwell. Prior
2. To tell falshoods; to lie.
He fables not: I hear the enemy. Shakespeare.
To FA'BLE. v.a. To feign; to tell of falsity.
We mean to win, Or turn this heav'n itself into the hell Thou fablest Milton Ladies of th' Hesperides, that seem'd Fairer than feign'd of old, or fabl'd since Of fairy damsels met in forest wide, By knights.
FA'BLED. adj. [from fable.] Celebrated in fables.
Hail, fabled grotto! hail, Elysian soil! Thou fairest spot of fair Britannia's isle! Tickett
FA'BLER. n.s. [from fable.] A dealer in fiction; a writer of feigned stories.
To FABRICATE. v.a. [fabricor, Latin.]
1. To build; to construct.
2. To forge; to devise falsely. This sense is retained among the Scottish lawyers; for when they suspect a paper to be forged, they say it is fabricate.
FABRICA'TION. n.s. [from fabricate.] The act of building; construction.
This fabrication of the human body is the immediate work of a vital principle, that formeth the first rudiments of the human nature. Hale
FA'BRICK. n.s. [fabrica, Latin.]
1. A building; an edifice. There must be an exquisite care to place the columns, set in several stories, most precesely one over another, that so the solid may answer to the solid, and the vacuities to the vacuities, as well for beauty as strength of the fabrick. Wotton.
2. Any system or compages of matter; any body formed by the conjunction of dissimilar parts.
Still will ye think it strange, That all the parts of this great fabrick change; Quit their old station and primeval frame. Prior.
To FA'BRICK. v.a. [from the noun.] To build; to form; to construct.
Shew what laws of life The cheefe inhabitants observe, an how Fabrick their mansions. Philips.
FA'BULIST. n.s. [fabuliste, French.] A writer of fables.
Quitting Esop and the fabulists, he copies from Boccace. Croxal
Our bard's a fabulist, and deals in fiction. Garrick.
FABULO'SITY. n.s. [fabulositas, Latin.] Lyingness; fulness of stories; fabulous invention.
In their fabulosity they would report, that they had observations for twenty thousand years. Abbot's Description of the World
FA'BULOUS. adj. [fabulosus, Latin.] Feigned; full of fables, or invented tales.
A person terrified with the imagination of spectres, is more reasonable than one who thinks the appearance of spirits fabulous and groundless. Addison.
FA'BULOUSLY. adv. [from fabulous.] In fiction; in a fabulous manner.
There are many things fabulously delivered, and are not to be accepted as truths. Brown's Vulgar Errours.
FACE. n.s. [face, French, from facies, Latin.]
1. The visage.
The children of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses's face shone. Exodus
A man shall see faces, which, if you examine them part by part, you shall never find good; but take them together, are not uncomely. Bacon
From beauty still to beauty ranging, In ev'ry face I found a dart. Addison.
2. Countenance; cast of the features; look; air of the face. Seiz'd and ty'd down to judge, how wretched I! Who can't be silent, and who will not lie: To laugh, were want of goodness and of grace; And to be grave, exceeds all pow'r of face. Pope
3. The surface of any thing. A mist watered the whole face of the ground. Genesis
4. The front or forepart of any thing. The breadth of the face of the house, towards the East, was an hundred cubits. Ezekiel
5. State of affairs. He look'd, and saw the face of things quite chang'd, The brazen throat of war had ceas'd to roar; All now was turn'd to jollity and game, To luxury and riot, feast and dance. Milton
This would produce a new face of things in Europe. Addison
6. Appearance; resemblance. Keep still your former face, and mix again With these list spirits; run all their mazes with 'em; For such are treasons. Ben. Johnson At the first shock, with blood and powder stain'd, Nor heav'n, nor sea, their former face retain'd; Fury and art produce effects so strange, They trouble nature, and her visage change. Waller His dialogue has so much the face of probability, that some have mistaken it for a real conference. Baker.
7.Presence; sight. Ye shall give her unto Eleazar, and one shall slay her before his face. Numbers
Jove cannot fear; then tell me to my face, That I of all the gods am least in grace. Dryden.
8.Confidence; boldness. Thinking, by this face, To fasten in our thoughts that they have courage; But 'tis not so. Shakespeare
How many things are there which a man cannot, with any face or comliness, say or do himself? A man can scarce allege his own merits with modesty, much less extol them: a man cannot sometimes brook to supplicate or beg. Bacon's Essays.
You'll find the thing will not be done With ignorance and face alone. You, says the judge to the wolf, have the face to challenge that